Photo Galleries

Site Work

A-J Brady provides Site Work for Residential, Commercial, Industrial and Farmers in Lenawee County and Southeast Michigan.  

Storm Sewers

AJ Brady provides the following services: Storm Sewer Piping, Manholes Installed, Storm Sewer Installation & Repair, Yard Drains, Sump Pump Lines, Field Tiles and Drains, Roof Drains, Parking Lot Drains & Retention Areas, PVC, Concrete, Poly Piping and more.

Bulk Materials

A-J Brady Underground Sells and Transports Bulk Materials for Landscaping and Landfill. A-J Brady sells and transports bulk materials for landscaping and landfill in Lenawee County and Southeast Michigan.    

Sanitary Sewers

A-J Brady provides Sanitary Services for Lenawee County and Southeast Michigan.

Water Lines

AJ Brady provides the following services: Waterline Piping Installation, Fire Protection Service Lines, Water Line Repair and Maintenance, Water Main Repair and Maintenance, Trenchless Installation, Live Water Taps and more.

Miscellaneous Services

A-J Brady Underground provides Miscellaneous Services for Lenawee County and Southeast Michigan. A-J Brady provides miscellaneous services such as heavy and mini excavation work for Lenawee County and Southeast Michigan.

Excavation Services

A-J Brady Underground Provides Excavation Services as well as Sales and Transportation of Bulk Materials A-J Brady provides Excavation Services for Lenawee County and Southeast Michigan.  We also sell and transport Bulk Materials for Landscaping and Landfill.